Chico’s daily routine

Chico is my dog, he just turned one on the fourteenth of October.He is starting to grow out of waking up early and running into our neighbor’s property, but there is one thing he will not grow out of- his daily routine.He started this when he was only one week old, as soon as he is let out of his cage at 6:00 am he runs outside with his toy to go the bathroom, then he runs inside to my room.  Jumping onto my bed, on my face and stomach, then he runs out again to say hi to my Mom. Even if I am still awake most of the time, it is still a shock to get cold, wet, paws on my face in the morning!

The kindness project

In class we are starting a kindness project. We have to choose an adult who works in the school as our kindness target, and we have to figure out what we could do for them or what we could give to them. I already have my target and a few ideas of what I will do for them. Here are some of the ideas I have :

Leave a sticky note on their door

– Sneak into their room and write a message on the white board

–   Give her a small gift                                                                                                 

We will be starting some of it this afternoon!I think it is important for everyone to practice kindness – not just the kids/grownups who need help with it. I picked a teacher for my target, they are sort of new to the school so I think they will be perfect!

Our class art

In class today we are going to do Andy Goldsworthy inspired art.He is an artist who makes art out of nature,a couple days ago we went for a walk with another class to look and see what we could use for our art.Then we went back yesterday to collect our supplies so we could start making it today.Almost all of us are working  in groups, my group is going to wrap rocks in leaves, kindling, and grass.We are making it in the field so that there is a lot of space for those who are going to need to spread their things out on  the ground.We will do it in the afternoon, I  think they will last longer that way. I am super excited to get started!